What the Baltimore Hack Day group has so far . . .
Above: WHO’S FRIENDS WITH WHO IN SMALLTIMORE? A “visualization,” using Linked-in data, of Baltimore social networks and relationships, a project of Dave Troy.
Mike Brenner has posted a link to some of the projects underway after Saturday’s data mining brainstorming session, Baltimore Hack Day.
Lokesh Dakar is visualizing 311 requests over time, James Schaffer’s working on a parking ticket heat map and Dave Troy is mapping the power relationships in Baltimore via Linked-In.

NextBus, an application that would let mobile users know where, in real time, the bus is. Ray Wenderlich.
Another idea is a map where users can report which streets have seen the snowplows, a cool idea, though of course actually getting the street plowed is even cooler. “Stumble Bravely Baltimore” would let tipsy smart phone users plug in their zip code and get advice, based on crime stats for the area, on whether to walk home or take a cab. (Any drunk who can punch in a zip code should be able to handle themselves in the street, you’d think!)
Chime in on their discussion boards to give them feedback or contribute your own ideas. . . .