Communities beyond Federal Hill supporting Crossbar’s opponents
In the run-up to today’s hearing on Crossbar’s application before the Baltimore Liquor Board, neighborhoods outside of Federal Hill have joined the project’s opponents and have been sending letters of solidarity to the board.
“While this is not an issue within the boundaries of the FPTF [Fells Point Task Force], members of the Task Force expressed concerns with the proposed expansion and voted unanimously to oppose it,” Del. Peter A. Hammen wrote, in a June 26 letter to the Board of Liquor License Commissioners.
“The FPTF members recognized the negative impact on the quality of life for nearby residents should the expansion be approved,” Hammen said.
A June 24 letter from Victor Corbin, president of the Fells Prospect Community Association, was even stronger in its message to the board.
“The association wants to make it clear we are not anti-bar,” wrote Corbin.
Issue Reaches Beyond Federal Hill
“We do however believe that this issue reaches far beyond Federal Hill. The association feels this application is setting a frightening precedent and could be used as an example to applicants and establishments across Baltimore City and here in the greater Fells Point Community,” Corbin continued.
He argued that Crossbar’s planned expansion and increased capacity “is a way of circumventing the moratorium” on liquor licenses being transferred into the District.” For that reason, he said, “the proposal affects all residents of the 46th District.”
He noted that the FPCA voted 31 to 1 to support the coalition of associations from surrounding communities opposing the project.
The Federal Hill Neighborhood Association is leading the opposition, with the support from community groups in Otterbein, Sharp-Leadenhall, Federal Hill South and South Baltimore.