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Robert Parker statement posted on his Facebook Dec. 9

Here’s a statement posted on https://www.erobertparker.com/entrance.aspx

This is posted per Bob’s request regarding recent changes at the site: “Dear Subscribers, I am especially excited to share the following news with all of you. In 2001, I asked Wine Technologies to join TWA team as a partner and an investor
as we developed the eRobertParker.com site that has been such a huge success. Yet, despite the success of our joint effort over more than a decade, it is important that we look ahead including adapting to the latest technology/platforms and providing enhanced applications for our readers. I have again taken on some investors, three 30-early 40ish highly qualified business and technology people and enthusiastic wine lovers as well as long time subscribers. They are totally independent of the wine industry and have a very global vision that is essential in today’s world. Some of the changes we are considering for 2013 are: 1. Further expansion of our coverage in all of the world’s wine producing regions and much more efficient delivery of that information to you. 2. Many new features including new applications, more videos, a PDF of TWA for electronic subscribers, virtual tastings, and a new program called Icon Wines – all designed to take advantage of a state of the art technology platform and rapid fire response site for subscribers. 3. We will be offering wine education conferences with plans to tour a range of cities around the world. 4. While our office in Monkton, Maryland continues to remain “THE HEADQUARTERS” we intend to open another office in Singapore where the investors reside and from where we can more easily serve Asian countries. 5. Lisa Perrotti-Brown MW, who also resides in Singapore, will manage the office and become our editor-in-chief, assuming all responsibilities for coordinating TWA content, editing and proof-reading, things that I have found enormously time-consuming and am thrilled to transfer so I can focus on what I love most, bringing you the world’s best coverage of great wines, no matter what their price. 6. While we would love to add a few additional writers, especially to deepen the coverage of emerging wine regions such as China, etc. we plan that our current writers will continue to do what they have been doing. We simply want to deliver that information using the fastest and most professional methods that modern technology permits. 7. While rumors about me retiring have circulated for years, nothing could be further from the truth. I am still in this profession for the long-term as I remain the CEO and Chairman of the TWA board, and an owner. Moreover, I will continue to comprehensively cover Bordeaux, the Rhone, retrospectives on California vintages, and profiles of under $25 wine bargains from our finest importers. From the ancient beginning days of TWA, back in 1978, when the publication was a simple 8-10 page rough-hewn document, my vision and goal was to create a body of wine knowledge that exceeded anything the world had ever seen. I never dreamed that the internet and the technology revolution would be such a welcome catalyst to expedite achieving my goals. I also never dreamed TWA would sweep across the civilized world with an impact that was beyond my wildest dreams. The dream, the vision, the commitment to wine consumers for fair and independent content continues. I wish I were 25 years younger as I feel so excited about the new investor team and what we can accomplish together. It is impossible not to thank all of you. To live the life of your dreams is a rare privilege. I can never take it for granted, and do realize how fate and fortune have shone brightly on me. I am profoundly touched by the faith and confidence all of you have bestowed on me and our team. Just saying thank you is woefully inadequate….but nonetheless….thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul. Robert M Parker, Jr. December 9, 2012 Monkton, MD ___________”