Baltimore police are happy. Don’t believe them? Check the video!
City police reach 50,000 Twitter followers and go all Pharrell on us
Above: Something for police to cheer about – the 50,000th Twitter follower.
Clap along if you think this video’s a really weird thing to do!
Clap along if you follow cops on Twitter and had no idea what this would lead to!
We can’t sustain the Pharrell “Happy” shtick, but the Baltimore Police Department sure did. Today they released a YouTube video – using the singer’s peppy 2014 break-out summer song – to celebrate the moment when they reached 50,000 followers on Twitter.
Clapping their hands, stomping their feet and in some cases shaking everything in their uniforms, police officers and staff are shown dancing in front of the Shot Tower and Rash Field, in front of patrol cars and police motorcycles, alongside their bicycles and while holding leashed police dogs.
If any of the participants were struck by the irony of officers engaged in the daily blood-and-guts work of policing in Bodymore, Murderland, pausing to bounce around like they were in a John Landis movie, it didn’t show.
“Yes, I’m happy!” sang Pharrell, while the guys and gals in homicide and the crime lab people, in blue scrubs and surgical masks, mugged for the camera and waved signs with the “t” logo of Twitter and the department’s “@BaltimorePolice” and “Thank You!”
A city police helicopter is even pressed into duty as an extra. Who knew Foxtrot had dance moves?
At one point, when the Mounted Police Unit appears, they even slip a “Whinny!” in over top of singer Pharrell Williams’ smooth vocals.
The only other speaking role goes to Police Chief Anthony W. Batts who declares:
“Today I’m happy. 50,000 followers on Twitter, headed to 75,000 – one of the most for any police department. Thank you for making Baltimore safer.”
Twitterati: Ehh, not so Happy
When the 50,000th follower signed up, the department announced on Twitter “Hey @Pharrell we just hit 50,000 Twitter followers and we are just as HAPPY.”
The feeding frenzy of scorn and disbelief commenced.
“What goddamn city do I live in this is some kind of violent dystopian Candyland capital wtf,” wrote Jurgen Blingsmann.
“Is this your way of one upping the Mayor for the national attention she just got? Get some real priorities,” said @bremerinbmore.
“Sorry you feel that way! Social media is an important part [of] community engagement and part of that is showing our human side!” came the cheerful reply from @BaltimorePolice.
“Instead of trying to go viral, get out and talk to residents and build trust. That’ll show a human side faster than a video,” @bremerinbmore shot back.
It didn’t help that these conversations were spliced into the day’s typical Twitter cacaphony, which included mention of an investigation of a man shot multiple times at the intersection of Orleans Street and Broadway, a TV station reporting a sudden serious problem causing 911 callers to get a recording or s busy signal, and reference to a radio appearance by an ACLU of Maryland attorney discussing problems with the city’s Civilian Review Board, which is meant to be a check on police misconduct.
“I’m no social media expert, but you might show your “human side” by easing up on the brutality a little,” said @disnazzio.
Not everyone harshed on the department’s happy.
“OMG, I love it……..and you included the horses,” wrote Tina Finley, commenting on YouTube.
“Well done Baltimore Police,” said Derek Licata.
Looking for something positive to say, @bremerinbaltimore observed, “At least its more topical than a Gangnam style video.”
“Shush,” came the reply. “Don’t give them any ideas!”