Campaign 2016
Today is the last day to register to vote
Above: Elder Clyde Harris who is vowing to stay on the roof of his church until Sandtown doubles its voter turnout. (No Boundaries Coalition)
If you have strong opinions about who you like for Mayor or City Council or U.S. President you can put up a sign, sound-off on social media or hold forth at the barber shop.
But if you haven’t registered, you can’t vote in the 2016 Primary Election in Maryland on April 26 and get involved in the way that will, literally, count.
The deadline is 9 p.m. today (Tuesday April 5) to not only register to vote, but also to change party affiliation, update an address or request an alternate polling place.
Early voting will take place from Thursday, April 14 through Thursday, April 21. The Presidential General Election is Tuesday, Nov. 8.
HERE is the link to the Maryland State Board of Elections page where you can register online, request an absentee ballot and more.
HERE is a link to the Baltimore City Board of Elections, whose phone number is 410-396-5574.
Rooftop Protest for Turnout
In other voting news, registering is a first step but then actually voting is another.
A West Baltimore pastor is taking an extreme approach to promoting voter turnout, especially in Sandtown, the epicenter of last year’s protests and riot following the in-custody death of Freddie Gray.
Starting on April 16 at 10 a.m., Elder Clyde Harris is going up on the roof of 1947 Pennsylvania Avenue until 514 people from his community vote in the primary.
(April 16 is the third day of early voting and also the date of the 9th Annual Boundary Block Party, hosted by the No Boundaries Coalition, Jubilee Arts and other groups.)
“We have to honor our ancestors, those who came before us who fought for us to have the right to vote, their struggle was not in vain,” Harris said, in a press release the groups sent this morning.
“This is an extreme measure to let our community know how important it is to get out and vote,” said Harris, co-founder of Newborn Community of Faith Church.
Why the target of 514?
In the last primary election, only 257 residents from Sandtown went to Gilmor Elementary School to cast their votes. This year, Harris wants to double that.