Mayor’s veto of Nick Mosby’s pension bill leaves its future in doubt
“Maintaining public trust is paramount to my ability to perform my duties of my office,” Mayor Scott said, echoing the concerns of the city ethics board
Mayor Brandon Scott today vetoed a bill that would reduce elected officials’ eligibility for a pension from 12 to eight years.
The veto came a day after the city’s Board of Ethics urged him to postpone a decision until the board could issue an ethics opinion. Board Chairman Stephan Fogleman cited two possible violations of the ethics code by members of the City Council who supported the bill.
The measure, which also sparked criticism from former Mayor Sheila Dixon, was passed in record time by an 8-5 vote, with two members abstaining.
Council President Nick Mosby, the bill’s sponsor, argued it was necessary after voters approved on election day Question K, a charter amendment that will establish term limits for locally elected officials.
Noting that Question K won’t go into effect until December 2024, Scott told Mosby in a letter that “there is no true urgency to act at this time. Therefore, after careful consideration, I have chosen to veto City Council Bill 22-0292.”
Mosby will now have to decide whether to try to override the veto, which will require 10 votes. His office has not yet responded to Scott’s veto.
Scott said in his letter that “maintaining public trust is paramount to my ability to perform my duties of my office” and echoed the concerns of the ethics board.
“Given the potential for ethical issues with the bill and the need for adequate time to perform due diligence and to provide recommendations for true cost-effective alternatives to the legislation, it is my duty to consider the advice of our expert agency heads and make the decision that is in the city’s best interest.”