Code Blue and winter shelter activation in Baltimore
A rundown of warming centers and emergency shelters during this week’s blast of cold weather
Above: Baltimore officials have activated Code Blue cold weather measures this week, requiring shelters to increase their capacity to accommodate more individuals and families. (Fern Shen)
The City Health Department has extended its Code Blue Extreme Cold Declaration for the entire week (through Saturday, January 11) and calls on residents to stay indoors whenever possible and to check on vulnerable neighbors and loved ones.
More information on Code Blue can be found at https://health.baltimorecity. gov/emergency-preparedness- response/code-blue.
The Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services (MOHS) has also declared Winter Shelter Activation in effect until Saturday morning, January 11. (The declaration is made whenever the temperature/wind chill is forecast at 32°F or below.)
When winter shelter is activated, shelter providers listed below are expected to increase their capacity to ensure that any individual or family seeking shelter is accommodated.
Residents in need of emergency shelter should call the Shelter Hotline at (443) 984-9540, which has extended hours until 9:00 p.m.
Between 9 p.m. and midnight, residents should call (443) 695-7378 to be connected to an emergency shelter.
BELOW is a list of warming centers and emergency shelters. For additional information, visit homeless.baltimorecity.gov/ winter-shelter.